Take care of the grass and the grass will take care of you! Rest, managed grazing, timely irrigation and mowing are key elements to perennial crop regeneration year after year. Nitrogen-fixing clover is a legume that compliments nitrogen-loving grass very well. Healthy grass stands compete well against weeds. |
Hay equipment must work properly and without fail. If conditions are such that the mower does not perform well, there is no rake in the world that will make up for the failure. If you rake improperly, the hay dries unevenly. If the hay is ready and the baler goes down, there is still hope under clear skies.
The best hay is made when the drying time is kept to a minimum from the time it is cut to the time it is baled. Like making a pie crust, the haymaker knows by feel when the hay is ready. With a 160,000+ bale career total, Sandy has learned that if you work hard and waste no time, then you did the best you can and a rain storm is much easier to bear. Rain on the hay does not necessarily spell disaster. |
Sandy making hay with another kind of work horse, the old John Deere tractor.

Sandy hoes the vegetable garden, her ½ acre centerpiece at the Dalton Ranch homeplace.
We make 60 pound square bales that are mixed grass or grass/clover mix. Our hay is available out of the field during a first cutting harvest in late June, early July. A deal can be made for us to deliver. Call us anytime for barn stored hay availability and to get on the client list for the fresh crop .